Safety First

Our employees understand how and why it is critically important to comply with the standardized work procedures and the policies and practices of our safety program and our clients’ policies and practices at all times. We know full compliance is required to help ensure the successful completion of our jobs, but much more important, to ensure that our employees and sub-contractors return home safely upon completion of the job.  BlackHawk Datacom provides ongoing safety training for all of its employees. Also, a behavior based safety program called “START” (Safety Through Awareness, Reporting & Training) encourages personnel to observe their work environment, document observed safety infractions and deficiencies and report their observations to the safety department. Monthly safety meetings and training are structured to address the observations. Our safety program includes a strong emphasis on preparedness and awareness.

Safety Program Features

Safety Training
Behavior Based Program (S.T.A.R.T.)
Journey Management Plan
Mandatory Safety Meetings
Corrective Action Plans
Personal Protective Equipment
Accident/Incident Analysis
Drug and Alcohol Free Workforce
New Hire, Random, Cause & Post-Accident Testing
"Zero Tolerance" Employer

Performance Statistics

No Lost Time Accidents in 5 Years
Zero Recordable Incidents in 5 Years
Experience Modifier Rate of 0.75
100% Employee Participation in S.T.A.R.T.

Senior worker operating machine and watching CCTV footage on television in office area of recycling plant.