Carrier Services

BlackHawk Datacom's Global Network is truly redundant complemented by 24/7 support.

Our primary teleport facilities are located in Lafayette, LA with backup facilities in Devine, TX and Houston, TX. Utilizing iDirect’s Global NMS Architecture, BlackHawk Datacom provides its customers geographic hub redundancy. In the case of a catastrophic teleport failure, remotes can be switched to the redundant teleport. In addition, we maintain teleport access in Mount Jackson, VA, Aflenz, Austria, and Kapolei, Hawaii.

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The teleport network center is located in secured, hardened structures with redundant power systems, high capacity connectivity and fault tolerant equipment.

BlackHawk Datacom also operates redundant VoIP servers in Houston and Lafayette. This allows the remote gateways to register to one or the other depending on availability of the servers. Typically one operates as primary while the other is secondary. We can redirect incoming traffic from one to the other if one were to go down. This guarantees that no matter what natural disaster may strike the United States, BlackHawk Datacom customers will not be negatively affected.

Connect, Protect and Optimize

Over 35 years experience providing technology solutions across the globe
